Papers & Tip Sheets

Tip Sheet: Tobacco-free Policy at Work—Clear Answers for Tough Questions

Tip Sheet: Tobacco-free Policy at Work—Clear Answers for Tough Questions

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Have tough questions about how to implement a tobacco-free policy at work?

Need a tobacco-free policy sample and unsure where to look?

Or do you have a policy, but not everyone is adhering to it?

We’ve got answers.

Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Almost 51 million people use some form of tobacco, roughly 1 in 5 of all adults.

By implementing a no tobacco use policy in combination with the right quit-tobacco program, you can help reduce these numbers and improve the quality of life for your employees.

Benefits of going tobacco-free

In addition to reducing smoking rates among workers, a tobacco-free policy can do so much more. Benefits also include:

  • Improved indoor air quality
  • Reduced secondhand smoke exposure
  • A shift in social norms about the acceptability of smoking

Today, about 80% of indoor workers in the U.S. are covered by a 100% smoke-free policy. However, outdoor workers are often not covered by indoor smoke-free policies. And certain industries, such as farming, fishing, forestry, construction, and transportation, are less likely to have smoking policies in place at all.

If this sounds like your company, here is additional guidance on how to create a policy that will equally cover—and benefit—all employees.

Download our tip sheet to get answers to 10 common questions we hear about how to handle a no tobacco use policy in the workplace, such as:

  • How can your organization determine if it’s ready to go tobacco-free?
  • What are common enforcement pitfalls with a tobacco-free policy?
  • Can you enforce no-smoking rules when employees aren’t at work?
  • How do policies in the workplace change by industry, such as healthcare or hospitality?
  • How do you handle penalties for employees who violate the company’s policy?
  • What’s the best approach to talk about quitting tobacco with employees who smoke?
  • Where can I find a good tobacco-free policy sample?

For more insights on best practices with tobacco-free policies in the workplace, visit:

Your Boss Doesn’t Support a Smoke-free Policy…Now What?

4 Tips for Including Vaping in Your No Smoking Policy at Work

Tip Sheet: How to Implement a Tobacco-free Workplace

Human Resources Today