Papers & Tip Sheets

Tip Sheet: How to Reduce the Stigma of Addiction in the Workplace

Tip Sheet: How to Reduce the Stigma of Addiction in the Workplace

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The stigma of addiction makes people more likely to “hide” their behaviors.

Stigma is defined as “the negative labels, pejorative assessments, social distancing, and discrimination that occur when individuals deviate from group norms.”

When employees who use tobacco feel the stigma of addiction, they can be less likely to seek support. And this doesn’t bode well for either employer or employee.

Why the stigma of addiction matters for employers

Less than one-third of adult cigarette smokers use cessation counseling or medications approved for cessation when trying to quit. This is likely why fewer than 1 in 10 adults succeed in quitting each year.

While nearly 70% of people who smoke want to quit, smoker stigma can create a roadblock between them and that goal.

Fortunately, there are notable strategies managers can use to remove this stigma of addiction. Download this tip sheet for 4 strategies to consider.

In this tip sheet for managers you’ll learn:
  • Common misconceptions about people who use tobacco
  • The compounding impact of smoker stigma on other stigmatized groups, such as racial minorities
  • The ineffectiveness of “commitment contracts” to encourage employees to stop smoking
  • Steps managers can take to remove barriers to help employees quit tobacco

For more insights on how to remove the stigma of addiction, visit:

How to Reduce Mental Health Stigma, Smoking Stigma in the Workplace

Podcast: Answering Mental Health and Addiction with Benefits

Why Employees Need You to Butt In about Tobacco Use


Human Resources Today