Papers & Tip Sheets

8 Tricky Questions with Answers from Quit-tobacco EXperts

8 Tricky Questions with Answers from Quit-tobacco EXperts

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At a recent in-person event, we met with HR leaders like yourself who posed some tricky questions they needed help navigating.

For example:

“Our executives use tobacco. How do I convince them to offer a quit-tobacco program?”


“We stopped using a tobacco surcharge during the pandemic. When should we re-introduce it?”

Get answers to these and other difficult questions provided by these EX Program by Truth Initiative EXperts:

Amanda Graham, Ph.D., Chief of Innovations

Dr. Graham is internationally recognized as a quit-tobacco expert and thought leader in web and mobile interventions and online social networks. She has been awarded over $15 million in federal research funding to advance the science of digital cessation. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts and serves on National Institutes of Health study sections and numerous journal editorial boards.

Jessie Saul, Ph.D., Director of Strategic Insights

Dr. Saul brings 19 years of experience in research, program evaluation, and strategic implementation around tobacco cessation. She applies this deep understanding to improve EX Program performance and reduce tobacco use among priority populations. She earned her Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies from Cornell University.

Lauren Higgins, Managing Director of Client Success

Higgins brings a wealth of experience ensuring client success with wellness initiatives. Prior to the EX Program, she served as director of client success for MeYou Health, a wellness platform designed for small businesses. She also held a variety of client-facing roles during her 5+ years at Virgin Pulse, a market-leading platform that builds employee health and wellbeing into corporate cultures.

For more insights from these quit-tobacco experts, visit:

Novel Approaches: What Science Says Helps People Quit Tobacco

Creating a No Smoking Policy in the Workplace that Sticks

Only Promote Smoking Cessation at Work During Open Enrollment, Right?

Human Resources Today