
Tailored Text Message and Web Intervention for Smoking Cessation in U.S. Socioeconomically-Disadvantaged Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Research Summary:
Trial design

A parallel, two-group individually-randomized controlled trial with 1:1 allocation compared the tailored text message program and companion web-based intervention for SDYA who smoke cigarettes with a usual-care control (referral to online quit resources) on differences in self-reported 30-day PPA and confidence to quit at week 12 (end-of-treatment).


From April – June 2020, 4827 participants were screened and 437 completed the baseline survey and were randomized to either the intervention (n = 229) or control (n = 208) condition (Fig. 1), with 172 participants receiving the allocated intervention and 171 receiving the allocated control. Overall follow-up at 12-weeks (July – September 2020) was 84% (81% intervention vs 87% control, p = 0.11). Those retained in the study were generally similar to those lost to follow-up, though a greater


In this randomized controlled trial of a tailored text message intervention for SDYA who smoke cigarettes, the intervention produced greater smoking abstinence across self-reported 7-day and 30-day PPA at 12-week follow-up compared with the usual care control. Among SDYA who continued to smoke cigarettes, those in the intervention group also reported reductions in number of days smoked and increases in confidence and desire to quit at follow-up compared with the control. Completing a greater


Boosting smoking-cessation in SDYAs is essential to reducing long-term tobacco-related health disparities in this group. This study demonstrates strong effects of a brief, low-touch tailored text message smoking-cessation intervention on self-reported smoking abstinence, reduction in days smoked, and confidence to quit at 12 weeks. Even if abstinence is not sustained, boosting quit attempts in this group may improve quit success in the future, as well as overall population quit rates

Human Resources Today