
EX Program Helps Answer “How to Help Your Child Stop Vaping?”

EX Program Helps Answer “How to Help Your Child Stop Vaping?”

The EX Program recently launched a robust suite of new resources to support parents of youth or young adults who are vaping.

These new resources include interactive content that provides an overview of vaping terms, guidance on how to talk to a teen or young adult, proven quit strategies, stress management techniques, and more.

Through the EX Program, parents of vapers also have access to:

  • 24/7 support in the EX Community from other parents, as well as former vapers/smokers who can help parents understand what it feels like to quit
  • 1:1 live chat with EX Coaches, who are quitting experts who also have expertise navigating a family member who uses tobacco
  • Text messages to guide conversations with a child, give strategies to try together, and help parents manage stress
  • Emails with tips and strategies to navigate conversations with a child
  • Interactive tools and videos to learn quitting techniques to pass along to a child

Research published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine showed that among parents who reported their child was vaping:

  • 43% felt anxious or worried
  • 35% reported difficulty focusing on work
  • 29% said they are less productive
  • 27% missed work as a consequence

Contact us today to learn how to offer these helpful resources that answer “how to help your child stop vaping” for employees or health plan members.


For additional insights on the impact on parents when a child vapes and trends with youth vaping, visit:  

Vaping in the Workplace: A Bigger Issue Than You Think

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